The MLTA offers live education throughout the year in your local area. Join the MLTA or subscribe to emails and receive updates about events in your area.

Upcoming Maryland CE Events: 

 Saturday September 21 - Monday September 23:  MLTA Convention
Hyatt Place Dewey Beach
Up to 10 hours of Title CE (including 2 hours of Ethics)
Click here to learn more and register

Join our Faculty!

INSTRUCT: The MLTA offers many educational opportunities and is always looking for new instructors and topics. Try your hand at teaching and share your years of experience and knowledge with others in the industry. Please fill out our online interest form to submit your suggestion to our education committee. 

Have you been accepted as an instructor for a live class or online session? You can submit your education approval materials online here.

CE Reporting and License Renewal:

If you are attempting to renew a resident producer license, please note that course providers have 10 days to report your successful completion of a course. If you have taken a course that has not yet been "banked," mail your application and renewal fee directly to the Maryland Insurance Administration prior to your license expiration date to avoid paying the additional $100 reinstatement fee. The mailing address is:

Maryland Insurance Administration
Attn: Producer Licensing
200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, MD 21202

If you take a course through MLTA (live or online) we will report your credits  within 10 calendar days of course completion. Please check your transcript online for timely submission.