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The Title Action Network (TAN) is the premier grassroots organization promoting the value of the land title insurance industry to our government representatives. In the current regulatory environment, our industry faces threats of new policies at both the state and federal levels that could seriously affect our business. TAN provides the opportunity to reach legislators and regulators with a cohesive and energized voice on behalf of the industry.

TAN membership is FREE. It takes only two minutes to sign up (click here to join and to learn more).

As a member, you will receive action alerts for relevant state and federal issues. Rather than flood members’ inboxes, TAN is strategically designed to ensure that you are only notified about issues that will affect you, your business, and your customers.

You don’t have to be a title company executive, branch manager, or business owner to participate in the Title Action Network. TAN promotes the value of the land title industry and allows you to advocate from anywhere with a user-friendly website. TAN is fast, free, and easy-to-understand.

TAN grows in size and strength each year. The network currently boasts more than 6,400 individual members and 40 state partner associations representing 46 states and the District of Columbia. MLTA is proud to be an active partner of TAN, with more than 215 members. We encourage all of you to join and be active.

The larger our network becomes, the stronger our voice will be. TAN relies on the grassroots efforts of individual members to succeed, so join TAN today!

Share Your StoryImage result for title action network

Providing personal stories about how an issue affects your company and the local community is one of the best ways to influences legislators. Click here to add your story to our collection today.