Real Estate CE Class - Comparing GCAAR & MAR Contracts
Thursday, November 16, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Category: Live Event
Comparing the GCAAR & MD REALTOR Contracts (Category F; 220-0756)Thursday November 16, 2023; 10:00 - 11:30 amCLASS WILL BE HELD VIA ZOOM.
ALL ATTENDEES MUST HAVE A FUNCTIONING WEBCAM TO EARN CREDIT. REGISTRANTS MUST CONSENT TO BE RECORDED. REAL ESTATE CE CLASS (NO TITLE CE AVAILABLE FOR THIS CLASS).This course will include a review of the different provisions in the MAR Sales Contract and GCAAR Contract and understand the differences between the two contracts and when to use which one and the different addenda. Explain the similarities and differences between the two contracts used in all Maryland real estate transactions. Earn 1.5 hours of ELECTIVE (Category F) credit towards renewing your MD Real Estate License. Instructor: Bob Moses, Home Team TitleRegistration: $10 |